Sección coordinada por Dña. Ana Isabel Souto Gómez y D. Luis J. Márquez Álvarez
Piloting of the PERSONALIZA® application in public centers for seniors in Asturias: validation and evaluation
Descriptive study on the impact of social network abuse on the occupational balance of people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder
Sara Clemente Fernández *, Irene De La Vega Rodríguez, José Luis Carrasco Perera, Víctor Aragonés Fernández
Support needs of people experiencing homelessness in Argentine Republic. Possibilities for community-based intervention
María-Agostina Ciampa, Laura-Carolina Lavera *, Maria-Victoria Pérez
Preliminary results of the university intergenerational program "Envejecer OcupadaMente" among older adults participants
José Manuel Egea-Penalva, Ana Judit Fernández-Solano *
Validation of the assessment scale of daily living and instrumental activities (vavdi) in Spanish population
Blanca Martínez Martínez*, Pilar Duran Carrillo, Raquel Escudero Bonet, Conchi Gurbindo Elizari, Juan Ignacio Arrarás Udániz